And no, I do not want to go apple picking.
Let’s get real, there are only three months left in 2017 and I slacked on this piece and missed the beginning of Fall. Therefore, I bring to you… The End of 2017 Bucket List – Make it Count. And no, I do not want to go apple picking.
Host a football party and make some of these fun appetizers from The Everygirl.

Scare myself into the Halloween spirit by watching Mindhunter on Netflix.

Read Origin by Dan Brown.
Dust off (attempt to find) my snowboard and put it to use in Tahoe for a weekend.
Attempt a social media cleanse.
Ya, this one may not happen…
Visit NYC to see the Christmas window displays.
So pretty.
Book a trip to Oahu for January because F*** the cold weather!

I have to be successful because I do too much drunk online shopping.

Let’s Lay these Wedding Trends to Rest, Shall We?
Step away from the culturally inappropriate headdresses, people.

Instagram Pets Worth a Second Glance
No Grumpy Cats here…

Links Worth a Second Glance: February 19, 2018
Reads worth your time this week.

Humpday Meme Round-Up: Thanksgiving Edition
It’s the most judgemental time of the year.

Five Signs Your Coworker is Passive Aggressively Ruining your Career – and How to Deal
Plus Tips from Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office 101 to help you out
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