For when you’re feeling as lost and forlorn as my broke-ass fun-employed self.
I’m in the middle of a huge life transition right now. I quit my high-paying position in a senior marketing role at a namebrand company to do… well, I’m not sure yet. So far, I’m doing freelance content marketing and writing from home, attending to my four-year-old daughter and generally enjoying the Los Angeles sun. Throw in a couple of side-hustle blogging projects and a LOT of yoga, and that’s been my summer. It’s been empowering to be in control of my schedule. And yet, frightening… like when see my checking account slowly declining.
But I’ve traded unhappiness for fear so I’ll take it. I’m going to face the fear and relish in it.
After week two of funemployement, it dawned on me that there are actually so many opportunities for me pursue career-wise. So many that I’m overwhelmed. Like, maybe I don’t want to be a writer. Maybe I want to be a doula. Or an activist. Or the owner of a wine and cheese shop. In any case, I’m feeling really lost. I feel like I’ve forgotten who I am, what my purpose is, what I’m living for and why I’m working to begin with. Because of course my identity is tightly intertwined with my career. And yet, the job I left was just that– a job. I’m not defined by the work that I do for other people (I repeat to myself as I rock back and forth in a panic).
What I do know for sure is that before I quit my job, I was truly miserable. Which of course doesn’t mean that I’ve found yet what makes me “happy.”
That said, I was excited to find Melyssa Griffin’s new podcast Pursuit with Purpose. Griffin’s blog and online business has been an inspiration for me the past couple of years and her new podcast offers refreshingly honest conversations that tap into the spiritual side of business and more importantly, finding purpose in your career and life.

Since podcasts have become my first choice of entertainment (and company) lately, I foresee the SGM team recommending many a podcast to our readers, starting with this one:
Worth a Second Listen
SGM Recommends: Pursuit with Purpose by Melyssa Griffin
iTunes Description: “I know first hand that it’s way too easy to slip into the rat race of competition and comparison. In 2016, I hit my first million-dollar year in my business…yet, I was totally miserable. At the time, I was focused on numbers and status, rather than what would actually bring me real happiness and create an impact in the world. That all changed. This podcast is about my journey to meaning and fulfillment and how you can bring it to your own life – today and every day.”
SGM’s Take: From the first episode, Griffin shares her personal emotional journey about the highs and lows of running a (highly successful) business. Griffin is still finding her voice and format– some of the interviews tend to run a little off topic, HOWEVER, the authentic nature of her conversations is so refreshing and inspiring.
It’s Great For: When you’re feeling stuck or seeking spiritual guidance (in business especially)
Recommended Episode: How to Strive for Huge Goals While Staying Grounded in Who You Are featuring Danielle LaPorte
Favorite Sound Byte:
“You can’t create the future you want to live in if you’re not sharing your ideals about what that future is. The universe– all the good things in life– cannot find you if you’re not being open about what resonates with you and your ideals. You don’t have integrity if you are silent.”
Laporte’s comment above really gave me pause. I feel as if I remain fairly silent about what I truly think, feel and desire sometimes. It’s so difficult to be vulnerable and share one’s opinion, especially when you think about your ‘professional’ persona. I torment myself constantly thinking about “What will that person think of this statement. What about that person?” It’s exhausting. I’d rather attract clients and employers who are aligned with my beliefs, so why wouldn’t I be more willing to share my opinions more publicly with fearless confidence? It’s this fearlessness, after all, that drove me to quit my job to begin with.
Before leaving my job, there was so much about my life that was out of alignment with what I value. I was sacrificing my health and happiness (and that of my family’s) for a job and lifestyle that I had come to loathe. This podcast was a good reminder to stay in touch with the voice within and I highly recommend it for anyone on the struggle bus like me. Check out the podcast here and Danielle Laporte’s books and other work here.

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