Who confirmed that there’s no reason to ever get betrothed, obviously.
Mary McCarthy is all of us. Raise your naked left hand if your feeds are filled with photos of your newly engaged gal pals showing off their rings. Yep– ours, too.
But, why shouldn’t single people join in the fun, asks McCarthy, a NY-based actress/writer/filmmaker (and self-proclaimed ice cream enthusiast). She’s been entertaining all of us with @NotEngaged, an Instagram account dedicated to her naked, unmanicured left hand basking in the adventures of single womanhood.
Finally, the account we’ve all been waiting for.
We’re happy when our friends find love, too– but McCarthy’s hilarious and snarky Instagram photos certainly break up the monotony of feeds that send us spiraling into a depressing life compare-a-thon. Some of our favorite moments include McCarthy’s left hand photographed alone in the park, furniture shopping, and enjoying dinner for one– her captions dripping with sarcasm just how we like it:
McCarthy’s friends seem to enjoy it, she says, which is good “because most of my friends are engaged, and if they didn’t like it, I would actually be #foreveralone,” she jokes. “I only really had one hate message that said ‘your heart is cold for making fun of engaged people.’ Those poor, loved, bejeweled humans!”
For anyone concerned, McCarthy assures you that being single isn’t as devastating as you may presume.
“A handful of people message me to see if I’m okay. I’m very okay,” she says. “Most of the time I’m not actually eating sushi alone and crying… I’m eating with others and crying.”
Although– will McCarthy’s @NotEngaged actually land her in a wedding chapel?
“I’ve had a surprising amount of marriage proposals-whether or not they are for real, I guess we’ll see who goes through with it,” she says. “That’s really the goal after all, right?”
But then we had to ask, what will happen to our daily @NotEngaged entertainment?
“I posted an April Fools Day picture wearing a costume ring, explaining at the end of the post of course that I was not actually engaged. I was really surprised about the amount of messages I got from people saying they would unfollow me if I ever got engaged,” she says. “To me, it’s a character, and one I really enjoy writing. I’ll probably create @notpregnant and start taking pictures of my stomach in all honesty. #blessed”
But, in all seriousness, McCarthy says she’s open to the idea of spinning @NotEngaged into a TV pilot or other ventures (premiering on Instagram Live, perhaps? Just a suggestion, Mary!).
“I started writing a pilot based on the account, which sort of morphed into something else entirely. The voice is so particular and in such social media speak, that it’s best in short blurbs,” she says. “I would love to keep growing and see where that takes me.”
We can’t wait to see where it takes her, too. (Whether it’s down the aisle or not).
Check out more of McCarthy’s work!
Her new series The Goodpie Girl is streaming now on YouTube. In addition to @NotEngaged, follower her on Instagram @thegoodpiegirl and @heyitsmarymc.

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