by Mani | Jun 29, 2017 | Featured, Relatable, Relationships, Second Glance
Who confirmed that there’s no reason to ever get betrothed, obviously. Mary McCarthy is all of us. Raise your naked left hand if your feeds are filled with photos of your newly engaged gal pals showing off their rings. Yep– ours, too. But, why...
by SGM Editors | Apr 18, 2017 | Career, Featured, Relatable, Second Glance
Because all the standard methods aren’t doing shit for us. Dear Hiring Manager or whoever was assigned to read this, I am writing to apply for XYZ job at XYZ company. I do not know anything about XYZ company, but I’m sure it is swell. I am applying for this job...
by Alyssa | Apr 18, 2017 | Featured, Food, Recommendations, Reviews, Second Glance
Let me start by saying my mailman must be the laziest postal worker in Los Angeles… Maybe not THE laziest, but he certainly does not like to deliver boxes that weigh more than a few pounds and I learned this the week I decided to try out HelloFresh. One of my...
by Mani | Apr 1, 2017 | Featured, Life, Relatable, Second Glance
Congratulations! You’re moving into a brand new home. If you can survive the move first. Stage 1: Inspiration Before you start your move, of course you’ll be inspired about your new home. Spiral into a Pinterest-induced decorating fantasy. Get lost in Yelp...
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