Whoever coined the term “humpday” probably never worked in corporate America.
Thursday and Friday can be just as brutal as Monday and Tuesday. At Second Glance, we recognize this. We can’t promise these memes will get you through the rest of the week, but hopefully, our five-step plan will get you to 5:00 p.m. today.
Step 1: Mentally picture one co-worker you would enjoy sending this to.
Via @thetinderblog
Step 2: Send the email before the meeting and hope it gets cancelled
Via @mytherapistsays
Step 3: Make plans for happy hour after work today.
Via @circleofidiots
Step 4: Pre-plan your Uber rides for Friday night.
Via @overheadinla
Step 5: Don’t let corporate bullshit dull your shine.
Via @bocaratonao. Featured image via @piperabo.

I have to be successful because I do too much drunk online shopping.

December: Bucket or F*ck It List
Thanksgiving has come and gone. And, let’s admit it, for most of us, Thanksgiving is one of the easier winter holidays. For those that celebrate Christmas, it can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Buying presents, decorating, traveling, and pleasing...
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Let’s Lay these Wedding Trends to Rest, Shall We?
Step away from the culturally inappropriate headdresses, people.
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What is My Likelihood of Getting into “The Good Place”?
Based on a day’s worth of good and bad deeds.
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A Letter to My 20-Year-Old Self on my 30th Birthday
Despite the physical evidence, you cannot afford this wardrobe.
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10 Photos that Prove that Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2018 is Awful
The expectation vs. reality of wearing Ultra Violet in real life.
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