We’re all in this together.
Today is the Longest. Day. Of. The. Year. And for that reason the editorial team at Second Glance thought you would appreciate an extra long meme roundup to get you though the day and the rest of this week. Enjoy and remember that the longest day of the year also means that Summer has officially begun!


I have to be successful because I do too much drunk online shopping.

December: Bucket or F*ck It List
Thanksgiving has come and gone. And, let’s admit it, for most of us, Thanksgiving is one of the easier winter holidays. For those that celebrate Christmas, it can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Buying presents, decorating, traveling, and pleasing...

Let’s Lay these Wedding Trends to Rest, Shall We?
Step away from the culturally inappropriate headdresses, people.

Instagram Pets Worth a Second Glance
No Grumpy Cats here…

Links Worth a Second Glance: February 19, 2018
Reads worth your time this week.

What is My Likelihood of Getting into “The Good Place”?
Based on a day’s worth of good and bad deeds.
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