by Mani | Apr 19, 2017 | Food, Relatable, Second Glance
Delete your account, grilled cheese. In honor of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month, we’ve rounded up the most revolting Instagram posts of grilled cheese ever. I mean, don’t even look. These gooey, greasy combinations of carbs and cheese– toasted to...
by Mani | Apr 18, 2017 | Life, Parenting, Relationships, Second Glance
It is with great joy (and optimism) that I embark on the journey of parenthood with you… hoping that this does not, in fact, destroy us. After recently officiating a wedding, the idea of vows has been on my mind– although not the type that you might think. My...
by Mani | Apr 1, 2017 | Featured, Life, Relatable, Second Glance
Congratulations! You’re moving into a brand new home. If you can survive the move first. Stage 1: Inspiration Before you start your move, of course you’ll be inspired about your new home. Spiral into a Pinterest-induced decorating fantasy. Get lost in Yelp...
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